Unlock New Possibilities with Advanced Custom Fields for WordPress (2023)

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WordPress is beloved for its flexibility and extensibility. With thousands of plugins and themes available, you can customize a WordPress site to match your exact needs. But sometimes even that isn’t enough, and you need to add custom functionality that goes beyond what existing plugins allow. This is where Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) comes in handy.

With ACF, you can add extra content areas, flexible media galleries, custom widgets, and much more. This enables you to build WordPress sites that are truly unique, while still benefiting from the core CMS.

But how exactly can you leverage ACF to create next-level WordPress sites? This comprehensive guide will explore all aspects of the plugin, from the basics to advanced functionality.

What Are Custom Fields in WordPress?

Before diving into ACF specifically, let’s quickly go over standard WordPress custom fields.

The WordPress database has a wp_postmeta table that stores metadata associated with posts and pages. This powers the built-in Custom Fields metabox.

Custom fields allow you to add extra content that doesn’t fit into the main post content editor. For example, you could –

  • Store a book ISBN number
  • Add an author bio that displays on single posts
  • Include a list of relevant links at the end of articles

The main limitation is that these standard fields are just text or numerical data. You can’t add complex field types like images, galleries, etc.

This is where Advanced Custom Fields comes in…

Introducing the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress Plugin

The official ACF plugin extends WordPress custom fields in the following ways –

  • More field types – Add images, repeaters, flexible content, and many more beyond just text/numbers.
  • Multiple field groups – Organize fields together in admin metaboxes for different contexts (i.e. Page Content vs Page Meta).
  • Conditional logic – Show or hide fields based on values selected in other fields.
  • Frontend form editing – Let users edit field groups outside the WP dashboard.
  • Options pages – Create custom option panels that function like Settings pages.
  • Developer-friendly – Robust API, actions/filters, and integration with major frameworks.

The free ACF plugin is available from the official WordPress.org repository, while ACF Pro is a premium add-on that unlocks more complex field combinations and options not available in the base plugin.

Both versions give you extensive control over custom fields in WordPress. The possibilities are virtually endless!

How to Display Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress

Once you’ve added field groups via the ACF admin pages, the next step is displaying your custom fields properly in your WordPress theme templates.

There are a few ways to output ACF values in WordPress –

1. ACF Functions

ACF includes template tags and functions for retrieving field values –

Copy code// Get field value
$value = get_field('field_name'); 

// Loop through repeaters
if(have_rows('repeater')) {
  while(have_rows('repeater')) {
    // display sub field value

See the ACF documentation for all available functions.

2. Direct Database Queries

You can also query the wp_postmeta table directly to get field values. This is helpful when dealing with raw ACF data outside of the traditional WordPress loop.

For example –

Copy codeglobal $wpdb;

// ACF value for post with ID #123 
$value = $wpdb->get_var( 
    "SELECT meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id = %d AND meta_key = 'field_name'", 

3. ACF Flexible Content Loop

For flexible content fields (repeaters), you’ll need to utilize ACF loops to output the sub-fields properly –

Copy code// Check rows exists
if(have_rows('flexible_content')) {

  // Loop through rows
  while(have_rows('flexible_content')) { 
    // Get layout type
    if(get_row_layout() == 'contact_form') {
      // Display sub fields
    } elseif(get_row_layout() == 'photo_gallery') {
      // Display different sub fields

This allows you to handle multiple layouts within a single flexible field.

See the ACF documentation for more details.

Advanced Custom Fields vs Standard WordPress Custom Fields

At this point, you may be wondering about the advantages of using ACF compared to the native WordPress custom fields.

Here are some key differences –

Native Custom Fields

  • Basic text/number data
  • Single metabox area
  • Manual updates required
  • Limited display options

Advanced Custom Fields

  • Complex field types
  • Multiple field groups
  • Seamless integration
  • Robust displaying functions
  • Conditional logic between fields
  • Frontend editing capabilities
  • Options pages
  • Premium add-ons available

Overall, ACF provides a much more powerful and flexible custom field framework compared to the native implementation. The possibilities are endless!

Advanced Custom Fields Pro

The premium ACF Pro plugin unlocks additional professional-level features –

  • Repeater fields – Add unlimited repeater sub-fields for complex data sets.
  • Flexible content – Create custom layouts that users can mix-and-match.
  • Gallery field – Curation tools similar to the native WP gallery.
  • Clone fields – Duplicate existing field groups to reuse.
  • Updates & support – 1 year of updates and support direct from ACF.

ACF Pro integrates seamlessly with the free version. You can even choose to only activate Pro features on a per-field-group basis.

For large or complex WordPress sites, ACF Pro is a worthwhile investment to save development time and enable custom fields at scale.

See the full comparison of free vs Pro.

Real-Life Examples of ACF Implementations

To demonstrate ACF’s capabilities, here are some real-life examples from production WordPress sites

Repeater Field for Staff Listings

The ACF Repeater field is perfect for managing staff directories and similar listings.

You can create a Staff Member group with sub-fields for names, bios, photos, etc. Site admins can then flexibly add, remove or reorder staff without touching any code.

All you need to do is loop through the repeater in your theme templates. No updates required!

Flexible Content for Multi-section Pages

The Flexible Content field enables you to define multiple layouts that users can add and arrange on pages.

For example, an “About Us” page could contain Text Sections, Image+Text Sections, Testimonials, Galleries, Videos, and more. Authors simply pick-and-choose which sections to include.

You handle the output in the theme using ACF layout templates for each section type. This creates a modular approach to complex page content in WordPress.

Options Page for Theme Settings

While theme options are often coded directly, ACF makes it easy to create Options Pages accessible from the WordPress admin.

You can add field groups – for example logo upload, social media fields, contact info, etc. – and ACF will automatically generate the options screen.

This provides a centralized place to manage theme settings without hard-coding everything. A huge time saver!

These are just a few examples. ACF can be used in creative ways on sites of any type and size.

Get Started with Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress

Ready to take your WordPress site to the next level? Here’s how to get started with Advanced Custom Fields:

  1. Install the ACF plugin on your WordPress site.
  2. Review ACF documentation and tutorials to understand the possibilities.
  3. Start simple by adding a custom text or image field to a post.
  4. Build up to more complex field groups and displays.
  5. Integrate with other plugins like WooCommerce using actions and filters.
  6. Leverage ACF tools like Options Page and Blocks for further customization.

With a little creativity and some help from ACF, you can build the WordPress site of your wildest dreams with custom fields, interfaces, and functionality tailored exactly to your needs. The possibilities are endless!


What are advanced custom fields in WordPress?

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create custom fields and metaboxes to extend WordPress beyond its default custom post metadata capabilities. Features include premium field types, repeaters, conditional logic, frontend editing, and more.

How do I show advanced custom fields in WordPress?

To display ACF values in WordPress, you can use the template tags/functions provided by the plugin, do direct database queries to pull raw field data, or utilize ACF loops if dealing with repeaters or flexible content fields. The ACF documentation covers display best practices.

What is the difference between WordPress custom fields and ACF?

The native WordPress custom fields are limited to basic text or number data types. ACF add supports for more complex fields, repeaters, conditional logic, frontend editing, options pages, and premium paid add-ons. Overall, ACF provides a much more robust custom field framework.
